Monday, March 1, 2010

Finally in my Third Trimester!

Can't believe it's gone by so fast! He will be here in just 12 weeks. Still seems like a long time but I know it will fly by! I've had the crib since I found out I was pregnant but I feel like we still have so much to do and get. He defiantly has plenty of clothes! I'm trying so hard to resist buying him every cute little outfit I see! I love being pregnant. I love feeling him move and kick and I love my growing belly! I'm sure this is the only time anyone likes having a belly! Can't wait for him to be here!


  1. Hey Sarah - This is Lisa, i was blog snooping and found your blog. I am way excited for you and Cash. Little boys are so much fun. You look great. Congrats!

  2. Hey Sarah - You are such a cute pregnant lady! And you are so positive about all the comes with being pregnant including that cute belly of yours. We are so excited for you. You will be an amazing mommy! If you ever need anything dont hesitate to call. We love you guys and miss you tons! Love the name by the way!

  3. I just found your blog though Mike and Lisa's! Congratulations! We are so excited for you guys! You look great and your blog is darling!
